Steady Eddie
During my career, I always dreaded my annual performance review. I never worried that my employer would find my performance substandard. A career in sales always came with a built-in barometer. If your sales were down
A Sharpie Promise
Amy always had a fascination with Sharpies and Post It Notes. During her career, her desk was littered with the square notes of important To Do’s or meeting agenda items. She preferred the florescent colors of Yellow, Green,
Much to the chagrin of my children, I have not sought out grief counseling anytime during the past two years. Right or wrong, I have insisted that there is little value in it for me. My decision is a direct result of negative experiences
Frozen Melodies
A friend of mine has struggled letting go of the early 2000’s. Years ago he jumped on the iTunes bandwagon and slowly built a collection of over 5,000 of his favorite artists and songs. At $.99 per song, it was a significant investment.
The Geese Show
The Fall and Spring seasons have always brought a spectacular sight to our household. Twice each year we are treated to hundreds of thousands of migratory ducks, Canadian geese, and sandhill cranes that fly over our house on their way north
Hesitate (big boy pants)
A few weeks ago, I published a Reflection entitled Decades. The reflection highlighted a very sensitive and deeply personal struggle regarding my feelings of being alone for the remainder of my life.